Geek IT solutions

We offer our clients a range of innovative, reliable and high end technical IT support and services to ensure the smooth functioning of your business and technology.

Below is a list of our services tailored to give you maximum satisfaction.

telecommunications geekitcore

With this service, GeekIT provides telecommunications services, design, development, installation, service, and warranty throughout your telecommunications network, as well as networks and structured cabling for your building, warehouse, and office with updated certification standards…

IT Security Services in Mexico With our reliable and up to date security services, you can now have the confidence to securely open your systems to partners, customers and suppliers. Moving into the 3rd Platform and leverage big data & analytics, the cloud, mobility, social media and the Internet has…
Equipment Lease Services in Mexico In todays tech savvy world, it is absolutely important for every firm to be well equipped with the latest technological equipment to prosper in their industry. However, observing the rate at which today’s technology is advancing, it may not be feasible for every firm to…
Enterprise Solutions in Mexico Geek IT offers a variety of innovative enterprise solutions to cater to your needs. Our solutions can help solve your complex industry challenges. Our diverse business solutions include 1Application Services: Technology today has been advancing more rapidly than ever. With the rise of smartphones, cloud and…
Enterprise Architectures Services in Mexico We know that managing an organisation can be a huge deal, and at times daunting, which is why we bring you our Enterprise Architecture Service. What’s an Enterprise Architecture ? Enterprise Architecture is one of the most powerful management tools you can provide your organisation…
DRP & ERP solutions in Mexico DRP : IT Disaster Recovery Plan We know that as of today, every enterprise, functions digitally more than manually or physically. Employees use electronic Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) telephone systems to communicate with one another, as well as emails to quickly and effectively…

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